Glyphlozines and diabetes treatment

Effective and efficient treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus using a group of drugs called gliflozin. Especially now, when we are at risk for the COVID-19 virus, it is necessary to pay attention to good compensation for chronic diseases. We are talking not only about respiratory diseases, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but also about diabetes mellitus. It is important to take medications regularly, follow the regimen and doctor’s recommendations. Therefore, do not leave regular checkups with your doctor due to concerns about COVID-19 infection in the doctor’s office or in the waiting room. It is impossible to keep diabetes mellitus under control for a long time without regular checkups with a doctor. Early detection of deterioration and possible change of medications can prevent many health complications in the future.

Diabetes mellitus is a hidden threat with many risks

Although diabetes is one of the most common diseases of civilization, many people do not realize how serious this disease is. More than 460 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. There are more than 800 thousand in the Czech Republic. Diabetes is a systemic disease . This means that it affects more organ systems and damages the body as a whole. Most problems are closely related to high blood sugar levels, i.e. blood sugar levels. The greatest danger comes from damage to the heart and blood vessels, but the kidneys, nerves and vision are also at risk.

More than 90% of patients with type 2 diabetes suffer from some form of cardiovascular, renal or metabolic diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most frequent and serious complications of diabetes and one of the most frequent causes of death of diabetics. They are manifested mainly by heart failure caused by heart failure, which is not able to meet the needs of tissues for nutrients and oxygen, and a heart attack caused by occlusion of the arteries feeding the heart muscle. Many people confuse these two health problems and only know a heart attack.

Heart failure, although few people know about it, affects approximately 250,000 Czechs and is a serious diagnosis that would be good to detect in time. Warning signs of heart failure, which few people associate with the heart, include swelling of the legs, loss of appetite, fatigue or shortness of breath. Diabetes is also the most common cause of kidney failure . In addition, if the patient suffers from high blood pressure, her risk increases.

Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus:

  • they have a 2-5 times higher risk of heart failure than people without diabetes
  •  and a 2 times higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease

Patients with diabetes mellitus also have concomitant diseases, which further increases the likelihood of their complications. Basically, this is high blood pressure, a violation of fat metabolism or obesity. Therefore, it is very important to recognize your symptoms in time, monitor them and talk about them with your doctor. Thanks to this, he will be able to send you to the necessary examinations in time, which will help to establish the correct diagnosis, which will facilitate the choice of appropriate treatment.

How is diabetes treated?

The basis of treatment is to improve your lifestyle. Eat less, but regularly, move more. If you smoke, stop! Within 1 year after quitting smoking, the risk of a heart attack will be halved compared to someone who smokes. You can gain weight, but, for example, an extra 2-3 kg in the first year is much less dangerous than smoking. After a year of abstinence, rush to lose weight.

However, diabetes mellitus is a very complex disease, so it is almost always necessary to make efforts to help with medications. When it comes time for treatment, every diabetic should take metformin unless there is a good reason to avoid this drug. Metformin improves insulin function and suppresses glucose production in the liver, which often contributes to weight loss.

In addition to this main drug, there are a large number of others that are combined differently in individual patients depending on specific needs. You may take pills first, but insulin may appear later. Tablets work in different ways – they increase the production of insulin by the pancreas, improve the effect of insulin in the body or remove excess sugar from the body. This is how a relatively new class of drugs — gliflozines – works.


In addition to maintaining normal blood sugar levels, glyphlozines also act on concomitant diabetes. They help to reduce body weight (by eliminating sugar from the body) and blood pressure. These drugs have also been shown to protect the heart and kidneys of diabetic patients and significantly reduce the risk of future complications such as heart failure or chronic kidney disease. You can check with your doctor if this treatment is suitable for you. A selection of medications for diabetes are available on the website (click here)


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