Shingles – symptoms and treatment

Shingles (professionally herpes zoster) is an unpleasant and painful viral disease that can affect anyone who has had smallpox in the past. The virus that causes them remains in the body in the so-called “dormant” form and can wake up at any time. Risk factors include, but are not limited to, weakened immunity, physical and mental stress, infectious diseases, injury, or surgery. Although shingles can occur at any age, more than 2/3 of patients are more than 50 years old.

Shingles symptoms
In the typical symptoms of herpes zoster s in the ýsev red rash with blisters Y filled with a clear liquid. The rash is usually located in a band or Waistband, usually on only one side of the body. Frequent seeding point of the chest and neck (shingles on the back or under the breast), but not shingles on the hand’s Ou or on the legs oh without exception. If the virus spreads through the opening of the facial nerve U is then shingles in the face can also appear in the mouth or eyes. Not a very typical form – herpes without blisters and without pain. The sowing of blisters on the skin is usually preceded by tingling or pain at the site of the future sowing. General symptoms such as headache, malaise, and fatigue are usually present. In exceptional cases, it affects both steam herpes and internal organs (internal shingles), which is manifested by digestive problems.

The most common complications of shingles
The most common complications of shingles include persistent pain in the affected area. It manifests itself as hypersensitivity to any irritants, tingling sensation, burning sensation or paroxysmal pain. Other complications include bacterial infections with blistering and scarring.

The infectivity of p Timers EXO haze is still lower than chickenpox, but attention should be paid to people who have not previously had chickenpox and pregnant women. To transmit the infection, contact with the infected skin must occur and the patient will be infectious at the time of inoculation of the fluid-filled blisters.

When to see a doctor
Treatment for shingles is always in the hands of a doctor. The disease poses a high risk for pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems and other comorbidities (such as diabetes).


Shingles treatment
In the treatment of shingles, drugs are used against viral infection, that is. Antiviral. T HESE medicine for ringworm in the form of tablets Vaz Eva n sec prescription. Shingles ointments with antiviral drugs are available over the counter, but their effects are complementary. If you are in pain, you can use pain relievers that contain paracetamol or ibuprofen. To these, it is appropriate to add high doses of vitamins from the B group (B-complex), which are important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. To treat blisters, you can use a liquid powder, or even better, medicated ointments (containing zinc), which relieve itching and support blisteringly.

Regime and preventive measures
For the skin, healing requires adequate hydration of the skin, for which the Thermal Water Spray -Rich Mineral Water is suitable. A balanced diet also plays an important role in healing and should be rich in vitamin C, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. This is definitely good for maintaining immunity because shingles are a sign of weakening. The blistering rash needs to breathe. Therefore, do not glue in any way, cover as much as possible with gauze, and wear loose and airy clothes. Long after the blisters have healed, the skin becomes more vulnerable. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly lubricate and also protect from the sun. sunscreens with a high SPF value, preferably SPF 50+. The main prevention of herpes zoster is immune support and a healthy lifestyle. Another option for preventing shingles is vaccination. This is either a smallpox vaccine or a herpes zoster-only option that is suitable for people over 50.


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