The desire to reproduce is one of the basic human needs.

Any man treats his sexual health with special trepidation. It is important for him to have a good erection. But it is equally important to be fertile. Any sexual disorder significantly reduces a man’s self-esteem, is accompanied by prolonged depression, and reduces labor productivity.

Diseases of the male reproductive system inevitably lead to a deterioration in sexual function. The degree of its severity may be different, but it will be present without fail. Moreover, modern medicine considers sexual function as an integral indicator of male health.

The prostate gland produces a secret. He, together with the secretion of the testicles and seminal vesicles, forms sperm. The secret of the prostate gland contains enzymes, proteins, trace elements, among which zinc prevails. These substances protect the sperm from the aggressive effects of the vaginal environment. They give them mobility and also contribute to the timely development of the acrosomal response. It consists of the release of enzymes from a special bag on the sperm head (acrosome) that dissolve the egg membrane and thereby ensure the penetration of the male’s genetic material into it.

In chronic prostatitis, the function of the prostate gland is impaired. The volume of its secretion decreases, as well as the content in it of substances important for the reproductive system (for example, lecithin grains, zinc). This leads to a decrease in sperm motility. They are unable to get to the egg and fertilize it. The number of spermatozoa with fragmented DNA (the main carrier of the cell’s genetic information) is growing. In addition, the amount of anti-sperm antibodies in the semen increases, which damages the sperm. That is, a seemingly harmless disease, which some do not even take seriously, can lead to such sad consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to treat prostatitis. And the approach to its treatment should be comprehensive. It is important not only to eliminate the infection, relieve inflammation but also to help restore the function of the prostate gland.

A large number of such drugs can be found in pharmacies today. They can differ in the form of release (tablets, capsules, granules), mode of administration, cost. Since all of these drugs play a supportive role, they need to be supplemented with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Combined preparations are most convenient for use. They may contain regulatory peptides, antibiotics (lomefloxacin or dioxidine), some amino acids, and trace elements such as zinc. With timely and correctly prescribed treatment of chronic prostatitis, disturbed sperm parameters are restored and its fertility increases.



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