First death from monkeypox

In an alarming update, Nigeria has been hit by the dreaded monkeypox virus, with the country reporting its first fatality. The local Center for Disease Prevention and Control (NCDC) confirmed the death, further adding to the ongoing concern around the pandemic. As per the latest data, a total of 21 cases have been confirmed across nine states, with the majority of cases being reported from Lagos.

Reports suggest that the victim was a 40-year-old man who had several comorbidities due to the use of drugs that increase immune activity. The unfortunate demise of the individual has raised questions over the efficacy of drugs used to manage the virus, leaving experts baffled about the course of action to be taken.

The NCDC has confirmed that there have been no mutations of the virus in the country so far, but the threat of an outbreak still looms large. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization has reported over 250 confirmed and 120 suspected cases of monkeypox across 23 countries, indicating that the virus is spreading rapidly and has become a global concern.

Monkeypox is a rare viral infection that can cause severe complications in some cases, leading to longer recovery times. The virus has been detected in several countries across Europe, North America, and Australia, raising concerns about its ability to spread across borders. As the world continues to grapple with the pandemic, it is critical that countries work together to contain the virus and find a solution to this growing threat.


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