Bad breath, as well as bad breath professionally, is a serious problem for victims, which significantly complicates their work and social life. But if we can identify the cause of bad breath, there is a good chance that we can get rid of the problem. We have compiled an overview of the most typical causes of bad breath and will advise you what to do to make your breath completely fresh again.
The number one reason is poor oral hygiene.
The main enemy of fresh breath is bacterial plaque, which settles on the surface of the teeth and around them. Plaque bacteria destroy food waste, creating an unpleasant smell for the victim. If the plaque is not completely removed, it begins to calcify and turn into tartar. Tartar irritates the gums and gingivitis develops first, which can lead to periodontitis. One of the main manifestations of these gum diseases is bad breath.

Watch your diet
Aromatic substances from some products enter the bloodstream, enter the lungs with it and then exhale. The notorious smell is probably after eating garlic or onions. certain spices.

Bad breath

Drinking alcohol or coffee does not promote pleasant breathing. The fact that less saliva is formed during alcohol consumption, which, as we will see, is also the cause of bad breath, also plays a role in alcohol consumption.

Even after eating sweet breath can smell unpleasant.

Bad breath can also be caused by some types of low-carb diets, strict diets, or fasting in general. During fasting, the body breaks down fats (storing energy), and during this splitting substances called ketones are formed, which cause bad breath (acetone smell).

Smoking does not mean fresh breath
Tobacco smoke usually worsens breathing, and smokers are more prone to gum disease, which is often manifested by bad breath. Similarly, smokers may suffer from insufficient saliva production, which exacerbates bad breath.

Xerostomia or insufficient salivation
A rarer case is insufficient salivation in the mouth, professional xerostomia. Among other things, saliva helps to flush out bacteria (moistening the oral cavity), and if they are not enough, they remain and cause bad breath. The same process causes unpleasant breathing in the morning because little saliva is formed during sleep.

Do you know what almond stones are?
Almond stones are not a confectionery name, as it may seem, but a fairly common, although not the most well-known cause of bad breath. These are lumpy formations similar to stones that stick to or in the tonsils and consist of bacteria, mucus, and other particles. If you suspect this problem, we recommend professional treatment with an ENT specialist.

Bad breath in some diseases
Bad breath can also be caused by certain diseases, such as diabetes or infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In exceptional cases, it can also be caused by the use of certain medications (certain psychotropic drugs, medications for high blood pressure, or diabetes).

Bad breath can also be accompanied by gastroesophageal reflux (usually heartburn), when part of the digested food returns to the esophagus with gastric juice, which, of course, also affects the quality of breathing. Even hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or menopause, can play a role in changing the condition of a woman’s oral cavity.

Recommended measures against bad breath
What to do with bad breath, in general, follows from the individual reasons that we have described. If we can eliminate them or at least minimize them, we will return to fresh breath.

In any case, the basis of the fight against bad breath is consistent oral hygiene. Teeth should be cleaned not only twice a day but also after each fragrant meal, ideally with toothpaste with antibacterial action. It is also necessary to clean the interdental spaces daily (brushes, threads, tapes). It is also useful to clean the surface of the tongue with a special scraper.

It is important not to neglect regular checkups at the dentist (twice a year), and at least once a year it is recommended to invest in a visit to a dental hygienist who removes plaque from hard-to-reach places and tartar that irritates the gums.

Change your toothbrush regularly – at least once every 3 months or at the first signs of wear.

Holders of removable dentures should take care of their cleaning (special solutions, every day).

Mouthwashes, mouth sprays, high-quality chewing gum, or lollipops (without sugar) can help eliminate bad breath.

Do not underestimate the drinking regime, clean water is ideal so that the oral mucosa is sufficiently moistened and enough saliva is formed. Chewing gum or sugar-free lollipops can also help with this. There are also special drugs for the treatment of xerostomia.

You can also try to supplement your diet with probiotics, which will help regulate the microflora (composition of the bacterial population) in the mouth and throughout the digestive tract.


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