What should the first aid kit contain?

The first piece of equipment for every traveler is a first aid kit. It should be equipped so that it does not take up the entire suitcase or backpack. On the other hand, it should contain everything you need from health problems that may affect you on the road.
The composition of the first aid kit depends on the duration and place of stay, the method of vacation, the climate, and the availability of medical and pharmacy care. An important role is played by the number of people for whom the first aid kit is intended. It depends on whether only adults, children or pregnant women are traveling. If you repeatedly use a first aid kit, it is important to always check the expiration date of each medicine before traveling. Keep the contents of the first aid kit away from moisture, sun, and frost!

What should the first aid kit contain?
Regularly used drugs
Each first aid kit should be based on the medications you take regularly. Make sure that you always have enough goods in stock. It is very important to pack holiday medicines properly. In order for medicines to be transparent and compact, it is recommended to always put one type of medicine with a leaflet for use in a plastic resealable bag. If you need to visit a doctor on vacation, he knows exactly what medications you are taking, according to the instructions on the package. On vacation you
you can also arm yourself with a dispenser in which you can prepare regularly taken medications before the trip. When traveling, take your medication schedule with you on a paper card.

Preparation for travel sickness
A vacation trip usually begins with getting into a car. Here you can expect the first inconvenience in the form of motion sickness. Prepare a remedy for nausea not only for a vacation trip and back, but also for a trip to the place of stay. Whether you travel by car or by boat. It is important to take nausea medication about an hour before driving to ensure its effectiveness.

Medications for indigestion
Indigestion most often affects travelers. These may include heartburn, constipation, bloating, indigestion, cramps, or diarrhea. Partially indigestion can be prevented if bottled water is used and food is carefully selected in high-risk areas. If you still have indigestion, it is important to replenish fluid reserves and support self-medication with a suitable diet.

Sun protection products
If you are traveling in the sun, it is recommended to prepare the skin with suitable dietary supplements a few weeks before departure. Don’t forget to pack quality sunscreens with adequate protection from UVA/UVB rays. Please note that their use must be repeated several times a day.

Medications for allergic problems
The first aid kit also includes allergy remedies. They help with hives, insect bites, light burns, and sun irritation. If you are allergic to anything, talk to your doctor about the foods you should take before traveling. If you are approaching a forest or pond, use a repellent along with suitable clothing and shoes. Examine the skin of the whole body every evening. In case the tick is sucked in , have tweezers in the first aid kit. After removal, treat the skin with a suitable disinfectant.

Preparations for mycosis
If you are going to travel for a long time, it is advisable to have remedies for fungal skin lesions in the first aid kit. Care should be taken when bathing. They wish warmth and moisture to mold and yeast. Women who often suffer from gynecological problems should use cleansing gels designed for intimate hygiene. It is also important to have the appropriate products with you in case the infection cannot be prevented. As a precaution, you can also use drugs for topical use in the form of vaginal balls or suppositories before and during your stay in the hospital. Your pharmacist will advise you on their choice.

Drugs for the treatment of minor injuries
The first aid kit should not be disinfected. Various scratches or cuts are frequent injuries, so it is very important to clean the wound properly. During the treatment, you will also use bandages (sterile and non-sterile), plasters (ordinary and waterproof, with or without a pad), gauze, and cotton wool. It helps that you will never miss, also a knife or scissors to adjust the size of the bandage or bandage. A flexible bandage will help fix a sprained ankle or a damaged wrist. In these cases, it is also good to pack an ointment or gel containing anti-inflammatory substances. Ointments containing medicinal substances act reliably when healing wounds, minor burns, and sunlight. An important part of the first aid kit is also an eyewash solution or disinfecting eye drops.

Remedies for pain, inflammation, fever
Fever can also be a very unpleasant complication. Therefore, put a digital thermometer in the first aid kit (it is stronger than a glass one) and medicines that reduce the temperature. You can also use these medications for dental, headache, or menstrual pain.

Remedies for sore throat, cough, and colds
Even in the summer months, do not underestimate the possibility of a cold and have medicines for sore throat, cough, and runny nose in the medicine cabinet.

There are very practical travel gels that are designed to disinfect hands. Some of them do not need to be washed or wiped with water. Wait for your hands to dry on their own. You will use this especially in situations where you do not have the opportunity to wash your hands with soap. If you move to areas with problematic access to drinking water, you will need disinfectants.

A few tips in conclusion
Before you go on vacation, always think about what usually bothers you or your loved ones, and adjust the contents of the first aid kit accordingly. It can help you decide on the contents of the first aid kit if you try to imagine the various situations that may arise during your stay at the place of vacation. Your pharmacist will advise you to choose the appropriate drugs.

Vaccination and prevention
Find out in advance which vaccinations are suitable for the place where you are going to spend your vacation. In some regions, some vaccinations are even mandatory. Vaccinations when traveling abroad are carried out by specialized workplaces – vaccination centers and tourist medicine. If you are moving to an area affected by malaria, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking preventive antimalarial medications. If you are heading to an area with special conditions (high altitude, forest, tropics, etc. D.) Or are leaving for a longer period of time, consult your doctor about other suitable medications for your trip.

What can not be missed in any travel first aid kit?
medications that you take regularly
preparation for the trip
sterile bandage with pad
bandages of different widths
the stock of patches of various sizes (also waterproof patches and blister patches)
tricuspid scarf
Elastic bandage
switch contacts
medications for indigestion
scissors or a combination knife
cosmetic tweezers and tweezers from ticks
disinfectant for minor injuries eye treatment preparations
(drops for inflammation, drops for moisturizing the eyes)
painkillers and fever medications
drugs for suppressing allergic reactions hand
sanitizing gel preparations for treating
skin from insect bites
What else should I take with me on long trips and during a long stay?
preparations against fungal diseases
cream against pain
antibiotics (after consulting a doctor)
disinfectants for water
other-equipment (digital thermometer, sunscreens with UV filter, sunglasses)


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