Sore throat is not a separate disease, but just a symptom accompanying upper respiratory tract infections. The most common is inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils of viral or bacterial origin. Allergies, injuries, burns, ingestion of a foreign body into the respiratory tract and other throat diseases are less common. Sore throat is also manifested by inflammation of the laryngeal valve (mainly children suffer), which is one of the serious diseases that require medical attention.
Symptoms associated with sore throat:
feeling of dryness, scratching in the throat
pain when talking, hoarseness is
difficult to swallow, the pain can reach the ear area
swelling in the throat
Who is more inclined?
children and adolescents suffering from allergies
patients with chronic sinus infection
people with reduced immunity, diabetics

What can you do for yourself?
observe the rest period, drink plenty of fluids,
observe hygiene at a time when there is an increased risk of transmission of infections
humidification, inhalation (for example, Vincenta)
regular ventilation

When to see a doctor?
at temperatures above 38.5 ° C
in case of neck injury or swelling of the nodes on the neck
with the rapid development of symptoms into a serious condition – severe angina, when swallowing fluid
with frequent angina
with pain lasting more than 3 weeks, which are not sensitive to regular treatment (especially in people over 50 years old)
with hoarseness of voice for more than 2 weeks

How will the pharmacy help?
local disinfectants (antiseptics) in the form of lozenges, sprays and rinses can be used when you feel scratches and burning in the throat
with severe sore throat, antiseptics are combined with an anesthetic (local anesthetic)
in case of severe pain throughout the day with difficulty swallowing, associated with the feeling of a swollen neck, it is advisable to use products with anti-inflammatory action
in combination for faster pain relief, moisturizing and relieving, soothing the throat with hoarseness of voice, use natural preparations in the form of lozenges, rinses, teas or syrups containing, for example, sage, Icelandic lichen and natural mineral salts
to support general protection against vitamin C supplements
Take medications only when the symptoms for which they are intended appear and after consulting with a doctor or pharmacist. Use only prescription medications only in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. The purpose of this material is not to increase the consumption, distribution or prescription of medicines. We do not recommend that you take inappropriate, inappropriate or unjustified medications. Always read the leaflet carefully, consult your doctor or pharmacist about the action and use of medications, as well as the dosage according to the leaflet.
Ask your pharmacist about its effects and how to use it.


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