Herpes always appears at the most inopportune moment … you are waiting for an important meeting, an interview, or a social event, and there is already a familiar tingling of the lips, foreshadowing the formation of painful blisters. Without treatment, herpes can heal in two to four weeks, fortunately, we have medications and other products that can significantly reduce the healing time.
Opar herpes simplex virus
Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus, abbreviated HSV. There are two types of this virus – HSV1 and HSV2. While type HSV1 is transmitted through saliva and causes well-known herpes on and around the lips, type HSV2 is sexually transmitted and is responsible for genital herpes. Unlike herpes, genital herpes always needs to be treated by a doctor. With herpes on the lips, you can usually do it with self-medication.

According to the World Health Organization, two-thirds of people under the age of 50 are infected with HSV 1 worldwide. Fortunately, the infection does not affect everyone, and in most cases, the virus remains hidden in the nervous tissue in a latent form for the rest of their lives, and carriers are unaware of its presence.

In what situations can herpes manifest itself?
Those who have repeatedly had herpes usually noticed unpleasant blisters on their lips. Most often this happens when immunity is weakened and in connection with another infection (flu, cold), the trigger mechanism is also a climatic phenomenon – sunlight, strong wind, or frost (therefore in English, it is called herpes in English) and the latter, but not least often stress is to blame – however, our ancestors did not say in vain “I was scared when herpes broke out”.

Herpes has several phases – from the shell to the scabs.
Herpes has several stages. The first signs of herpes are an imperceptible tingling in the lips. This is followed by the seeding of small painful blisters. After a while, they crack and wet ulcers appear (at this stage, herpes is most contagious), which gradually turn into crusts (scabs). The crusts can repeatedly crack when talking, laughing, or eating, which prolongs the healing of herpes. The earlier we start treatment, the more chances for faster healing – ideally, we should use a herpes remedy immediately in the armor phase.

What does traditional medicine offer for herpes
In every culture (and maybe in every family) you will find some traditional recipe against herpes – from rubbing with frankincense or lemon juice, through rhubarb and thyme, licorice to applying toothpaste and adding tea bags. Although some (for example, the fight against alcohol, which dries and disinfects) may have some justification, in general, we would prefer to recommend more modern methods and more reliable methods.

Modern self-treatment of herpes
The basis for effective self-treatment of herpes is over-the-counter creams with an antiviral component. These creams are classified as medicines, and their active substances (acyclovir, penciclovir, psobi) act directly against the replication (reproduction) of the herpes simplex virus. These creams are used from the first symptoms and are usually applied several times a day. The strongest among these drugs is the combination of acyclovir with hydrocortisone, a corticoid that has a significant anti-inflammatory effect and, therefore, significantly accelerates healing.

Patches and other herpes remedies
In addition to antiviral creams, specially developed herpes patches (for example, Compeed herpes patch) have already taken a strong place in the treatment of herpes. The patch reduces the risk of transmission and spread of the virus, protects herpes from external influences, and, thus, prevents the development of secondary infection. An interesting option is, for example, a patch with a hypoallergenic adhesive layer, which is impregnated with tea tree oil, which has antiseptic properties. A good herpes patch should be invisible – the good news for women is that most of them can be easily covered with lipstick.

If for some reason patches do not suit you, an alternative is a coating of liquid haze, which creates an invisible and protective film. This helps to create a suitable environment for healing, relieves pain, and protects the affected area.

Other products include, for example, a special herpes gel from the category of medical products with medicinal ingredients panthenol, allantoin, and extracts of echinacea and mimosa. You can also try a hemp oil cream for the treatment of herpes on the lips.

Additional tips and precautions for herpes (and against)
As we have already said, herpes is most contagious at the stage of rupture of blisters and fluid leakage, however, some precautions must be taken until herpes completely heals – otherwise, there is a risk of transmission to other parts of the body. body or other.

No kissing! If you have herpes, forget about kissing. Also, refuse to kiss children to protect them from infection.
Don’t share! Use only your towels, cutlery, glasses and other essentials.
The anti-virus cream is only yours. Do not give other people open tubes of herpes cream.
Never pierce a herpes blister – there is a risk of introducing a secondary infection and prolonging the healing time.
Don’t touch it! If possible, do not touch herpes with your fingers – anti-herpes creams usually have an applicator, it is better to apply patches with tweezers (it is also included in the kit). Do
not touch your eyes, as it can transmit herpes.
If you have herpes, do not have oral sex. Although genital herpes is usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2, oral sex can transmit the infection of the herpes simplex virus type 1, causing herpes on the lips, to the intimate areas.
Pay attention to increased hygiene – wash your hands often.
Preventing haze
It is not easy to prevent herpes in those who exhibit it regularly. However, as with all infectious diseases, you can advise a general strengthening of the immune system (a healthy balanced diet, exercise, full sleep). If possible, then, of course, it is good to eliminate individual triggers that cause herpes and which we recommend following. Enhanced care for the delicate skin of the lips, for example, the use of a moisturizer or lip balm with UV protection, can have a positive effect.


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