Against cancer: Together!

Roche Diagnostics France is part of a public-private partnership called Filière Intelligence Artificielle & Cancers (FIAC), which aims to use all available data in France to address questions that bring value to patients and transform them into tangible innovations.

The partnership will strengthen the development of the National Cancer Institute’s data platform and improve knowledge of health travel to continuously improve public policy. Roche Diagnostics France is the only group in the healthcare industry present in the entire patient journey, from screening to diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up.

In addition to its historical activities, Roche aims to develop digital solutions to improve production, decision-making, and clinical decision support. The company also wants to introduce recommendations and standards to establish and collect data easily and of good quality. The objective is to benefit patients and health professionals by obtaining and collecting structured and standardized data.

France has unique advantages in its environment due to the quality of health professionals and the political will. Roche Diagnostics has launched several new tissue assays and tag extensions and has expanded its collaboration with Janssen Biotech Inc. to create companion diagnostics for targeted therapies.

The company also launched the NAVIFY Oncology Hub, which provides a central workspace for clinicians to access relevant patient data to streamline care decisions and improve care coordination. Roche has also partnered with EarlySign to develop machine learning analytics of standard healthcare data to speed up cancer diagnoses.


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