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For patients

Popular articles on health, scientific publications by eminent doctors, reviews of treatment methods and notes on a healthy lifestyle. All this and much more in the medical articles section, classified by specialty.

  • How can AI improve healthcare? Conversation with Giovanni Briganti

    How can AI improve healthcare? Conversation with Giovanni Briganti

    A physician, scientist, AI expert, and academic, Dr. Giovanni is driven by a passion to bridge the gap between medical studies and patient care using AI systems. He believes that AI can improve patient outcomes, enhance physician capabilities, and support healthcare institutions in data management and workflows. AI tools such as apps and green momentary…

  • Multiple Myeloma Minimal Residual Disease

    Multiple Myeloma Minimal Residual Disease

    Hello, my name is Jasmine and I am a doctor who specializes in blood cancers. I’ll be talking about minimal residual disease. I’ll explain its role in the treatment of multiple myeloma and why it’s being measured in clinical trials. This is multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells. The main goal of multiple…

  • Can the central nervous system short circuit?

    Can the central nervous system short circuit?

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory and degenerative disease of the central nervous system. It mainly affects young women and is believed to be caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. No cure has been found, but early diagnosis and proper treatment can slow its progression. Symptoms vary from patient to patient but…

  • Evaluating the impact of digital patient monitoring in oncology

    Evaluating the impact of digital patient monitoring in oncology

    The Origama study is a clinical trial that aims to evaluate the clinical benefit of digital patient monitoring tools combined with specific treatments for people living with cancer. The study is being conducted by Roche in collaboration with patients, healthcare professionals, and technology partners. Roche’s Digital Patient Monitoring (DPM) module is hosted on the Kaikernold…

  • Augmenting digital innovations in women’s health | Digital Innolab

    Augmenting digital innovations in women’s health | Digital Innolab

    Today’s event was the Women’s Health Innovation Summit in Basel The aim of the event was to bring together partners, ecosystems, and people who care about women’s health to discuss the different problems that cannot be solved alone but can be solved by working together. The event was a fantastic opportunity for people to chat,…

  • Advancing Women’s Health The Key Role of Collaboration | Digital Innolab

    Advancing Women’s Health The Key Role of Collaboration | Digital Innolab

    Collaboration between startups and corporations is becoming increasingly important in the healthcare industry, as companies of all sizes try to respond quickly to changes in the marketplace. Innovation in healthcare through collaboration is crucial for sustainable progress Start-ups can benefit from funding, resources, and access from corporate clients, while corporations need to innovate to stay…

  • Against cancer: Together!

    Against cancer: Together!

    Roche Diagnostics France is part of a public-private partnership called Filière Intelligence Artificielle & Cancers (FIAC), which aims to use all available data in France to address questions that bring value to patients and transform them into tangible innovations. The partnership will strengthen the development of the National Cancer Institute’s data platform and improve knowledge…

  • L’approche Value Based Heath Care

    L’approche Value Based Heath Care

    According to various sources, including the OECD and Le Nouvel Economiste, a significant portion of healthcare spending is wasted each year, with estimates ranging from 20-30%. To address this problem, a new approach called value-based healthcare (VBHC) has been developed. VBHC is a patient-centered approach that takes into account not only medical indicators but also…

  • Chronic heart failure

    Chronic heart failure

    Paul had symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and difficulty performing simple tasks, leading his therapist, John, to suspect heart failure. John performed several tests, including a physical exam, electrocardiogram, and NT proBNP test, to confirm the diagnosis. After an echocardiogram, Paul was diagnosed with chronic heart failure. He received proper treatment…