Month: December 2022

  • How to make holiday sex more exciting?

    How to make holiday sex more exciting?

    Isn’t it true that a fresh sexual experience could be considered the ultimate gift for the holiday season? It’s an especially fitting present given the high spirits and emotional excitement of this time of year. However, to pull this off, you need ideas, as well as a variety of accessories and toys to enhance the…

  • Sexuality at different ages

    Sexuality at different ages

    Sexuality is an integral part of human life, and it changes throughout different stages of life. In this article, we will discuss the changes in sexuality during and after pregnancy, after 35 years of age, and after gynecological operations. Firstly, let’s talk about sexuality during and after pregnancy. It is a common concern for expectant…

  • Early sexual contact threatens with sexually transmitted infections

    Early sexual contact threatens with sexually transmitted infections

    Experts are warning parents of teens after finding that teens who have sex at an earlier age are at increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and HIV. They explain that sexually transmitted diseases are the leading cause of health and mental health problems worldwide. Experts also note that the younger…

  • Little Known Facts About Oral Sex

    Little Known Facts About Oral Sex

    The subject matter of oral sex is one that is discussed with great frequency and openness throughout much of society. However, despite the widespread discourse surrounding this topic, there remain a number of little-known facts which are both fascinating and informative to explore. One such fact relates to the ability of oral sex to alleviate…

  • How, without suspecting, we suppress libido?

    How, without suspecting, we suppress libido?

    When it comes to maintaining a healthy libido in a long-term relationship, many factors come into play. The delicate balance between health and desire can be easily disrupted by various everyday circumstances that we often overlook. Let’s explore some of the most amazing factors that can interfere with our sexual lives. One such factor is…

  • Sex and the myths associated with it

    Sex and the myths associated with it

    When it comes to sex, we can hear different myths. We present some of them.. Headache is a common excuse for not having sex, but sex can really help with this illness. Reaching orgasm can relieve headaches. In a 2019 study, a group of neurologists from the University of Münster in Germany found that more…

  • Impotence is necessarily treated with combination therapy

    Impotence is necessarily treated with combination therapy

    In today’s day and age, erectile dysfunction is not an insurmountable issue for men. With the help of modern non-surgical and non-apparatus treatments, every man can achieve a successful erection, regardless of the root cause of the problem. The good news is that erectile dysfunction is reversible, as long as men seek the help of…